Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week Forty-Six: 11/10-11/16

Week 46! We are cruising through this year!

Monday was a busy day. I volunteered in Cole's class at school. The boys had swim lessons - Cole started Level 5 classes. Eli was a backstroking machine in his class. He's totally built like a swimmer. And even more fun - I found out I got into the Uwharrie 20 mile run lottery!! The race is in February. I've done the 40-miler twice and the 20-miler once. My memories of the 20-miler are great and I'm excited to go back. Granted.....that was "BK", before kids, so we'll see how I do this time. 
Swimmer boy Eli

Tuesday was a Y day for the boys - no school to observe Veteran's Day. They love being at the Y and so do I! There was someone from our family there pretty much from 5am to after 8pm. I swam early, the boys had camp and then Eli had basketball practice. Daddy took Cole to karate. 
Made my goal with laps to spare! 
Tonight Cole got his Camo belt in karate. This belt is earned for making karate a consistent practice and attending 8 classes. He goes twice a week and is doing his best. 

Friday I had to be in Charlotte for work so I was able to meet up with Erin and the "K"s or "Littles" as I call them. It was great to see them for lunch and my brother Jeff met us as well. 
Look at these cuties! Their sweaters are adorable - and we matched!!
Trying for a selfie with the Ks. 
My sweet Sister-in-law. Love her.....not sure how she does it with two boys AND my brother to put up with. 
Friday night laundry pile. Yes, I did laundry on Friday night. I'm so hip that I'm hip squared. =) 
SATURDAY - This morning I woke up and saw two deer in my neighbors yard. Like super close so I texted her. What happened next is kinda unbelievable. Another of our neighbors walked by with his two dogs. They were barking and freaked the deer out. So boy deer jumped on girl deer. From my view, it looked like he was protecting her from the barking dogs. Well, apparently I was really wrong.  Like really wrong. My neighbor got quite a view of the deer being "friendly" and has not stopped making fun of me for thinking he was protecting her. Funny story that will most likely live on forever....especially since my neighbor has a picture of the deer "protecting" his doe. 
Mommy got to take a solo trip (aka VACATION) to Target. It was glorious and I could not resist these adorable pajamas. I always have and probably always will be a sucker for cute pjs. 
Lunch - love a grilled cheese sandwich. 
Saturday afternoon was basketball time! 

Mr. Defense. Takes after his Momma. I was never a big scoring player but I could play the heck out of defense. There were many games that short little me got assigned to guard a super big girl in the paint because I wouldn't let her push me around. It's good to be tough. =) 

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