Monday, June 20, 2011

a Whole lot of Celebrating

Busy weekend in our house. Saturday was our 6th wedding anniversary and Sunday, of course, was Father's Day. So how did we celebrate? By living our normal life and spending time with each other and the kiddos.

Friday afternoon, the boys were soooo excited to give Tim his Father's Day gifts that they had made at school. They must have their Mom's lack of patience and gift giving excitement in their blood. Eli made Daddy a special snack bag with a custom made one-of-a-kind koozie where Eli drew a yellow Monster Truck. Cole made Daddy a picture frame with his handprint and lady bug fingerprints. It was so cute and both boys were proud. I mean really, can you ever get too much handmade stuff from your little ones?!

Saturday, Tim & I said "Happy Anniversary" to each other as we started the day. I went on a quick road bike ride while he & the boys watched some cartoons. Then I took Eli to swim lessons while Cole & Tim enjoyed a bike ride at Umstead. Eli did great in swim class and Cole apparently had lots of fun with Daddy. We were supposed to meet Kara & co. at the pool but there was a swim meet so that plan got scrapped. Saturday after naps we took the boys to Moe's for dinner and a few errands - that included scouting out Party City for birthday party supplies and a visit to Barnes & Noble. Cole has become quite the home body lately and doesn't want to go out and about and if he's not happy, he will let you know. He obviously wanted to be home instead of playing trains at Barnes & Noble. Eli, however, was super happy to score a stuffed 'Angry Bird' at the store. Tonight we named him Kabuto.

Sunday, we tried our best to treat Daddy like a King for the Day. I got up with the kiddos and we hung out until Daddy got up. Big homemade breakfast (pancakes, eggs, bacon) and then the boys & I went to get Cole's hair cut and the grocery store, leaving Tim to read the paper and enjoy the quiet. Once we got the boys down for naps, Tim went on a bike ride and I squeezed in a little sewing. I say "squeezed" because Tim wasn't gone 20 minutes before Cole was up. The boys & I hung out until Tim got home. I made a special dinner and we wrapped up Daddy's day. (I'm glad every day isn't Daddy's day because letting Daddy off the hook is exhausting for Mommy!!)

So we celebrated in our own happy way. For the most part, it was a great weekend - other than Cole's tantrums here and there. Guess it's obvious he's about to turn 2!!

Presenting Daddy with his gifts
Cole was super excited
Daddy & his boys - notice Eli was eating Daddy's snacks!
My beautiful anniversary flowers
Mommy & Eli - self portrait before swim class
Kicking away
It's amazing how in just a few lessons he has gotten much more comfortable in the water. I have already signed him up for another session.
Practicing forward swimming
Kicking to the DEEP end
Hanging out in 10' deep water
Crazy kicks
Happy swimmer boy - I love it!!
Meanwhile, Cole checking out the park at break time.
Daddy & Cole - self portrait (love iPhones!)
Here's what you do for fun when your Mom is in construction. Eli & I made a board for him to practice hammering and using a screwdriver. He's quite good!
Popsicle treat
Eli showing off Kabuto
He kept trying to attack Cole with it and Cole would just laugh. Kabuto has thrown himself kamikaze style at more than one member of our family.
Happy Father's Day!!
Cole the airplane
Post nap and Post ride
Eli picked out some fresh corn at the grocery. I think he just loves using the corn stickers!

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