Friday, June 10, 2011

Way behind - catching up

The past week has been so crazy that I haven't been able to post. Good thing I take a lot of pictures to remember what we've been doing!

Saturday morning Eli had his first swim lesson at the Y. He has been talking about taking lessons and how he wants to swim in the deep end of the pool. Well, his first lesson didn't start out too well. He was upset, crying and wanted me. I, of course being super tough Mom, told him he had to stay with his group and listen. There was no way I wanted a repeat of karate and Tim and I both feel that water safety is important. So after about 15 minutes, Eli miraculously loved it and had a lot of fun. I hope that he remembers that when we go back tomorrow!

Happy and ready for class
Waiting to get in the pool with their cute "turtle shells" on.
Edging onto the lower side of the pool
Learning to turn around properly to enter the water
and here's where it started going South - see Eli's face?
The instructor, Jim, was great. He was very patient with Eli and took him out even when Eli was a little upset.
"Mom, why aren't you saving me?"
How things change!! Eli ended up having so much fun. They kicked while on their fronts
and on their backs.
Yay! Swim class was a success.

After Eli's class, Tim and Cole met us at the Y outdoor pool for some play time. We hung out in the kiddie pool (the water was cold enough there!). Cole was pretty funny not wanting to get in the cold water but eventually he finally put both feet on the ground in the pool. We only stayed about an hour until lunch but it was enough to wear our little boys out to get good naps!

Suited up but not ready to get in.
Water boy
Eli looks so big here
I tried to get a picture with both my boys.
Daddy and his boy - really, Cole is Daddy's boy.
Eli showed Daddy some of the stuff he learned in swim class.

I ended up having to wake Cole up from his nap early because he had to go to a birthday party - his first one without big brother!! We went to Gymboree to celebrate his classmate and buddy Will's 2nd birthday. It was so dang cute watching all the 2 year olds play together.

There were a lot of structures and slides.
Cole climbing up the wall with his best buddy Wyatt. Cole looks for him every day at school.
Hey cute stuff!
Cole and Will rolling the big "candle".
Fun slide
This was hilarious. They started some music and Cole just stared at the speaker on the wall where the music was coming from. Then he started dancing away.
My sweet Fishy face
Cole loved the inflatable donuts.
On top of the mountain
Cole absolutely loved me putting the donuts around him and he would tip himself over.
Playing with his buds
Here they are: Will (bday boy, green shirt), Wyatt in the middle and Cole-man
Cole had a blast at Will's birthday party.

Sunday we pretty much just hung out around the house and had a low key day. Eli & I ran a few errands while Cole napped and I did some more sewing during their tv time. It's nice to have low key days!

Sunday night Cole decided that he wanted to sleep in his "big bed" and he has all week! Bye bye crib this weekend!!
You never know what you'll find around our house. I came home to Eli's clothes on the curtain rod where he had created his own game to throw them / land them up there.
On Wednesday night, we loaded up (illegally) in the back of my truck and drove through the neighborhood to the lake to feed the ducks.
He gets bigger every night!
This swan adopted Eli - and vice versa. Eli would only feed it and the swan stayed right there.
I love this shot. Daddy and his boys. They could be walking anywhere, talking about anything.

The rest of our week was pretty good. Summer Camp has started at school so the boys are pretty busy. This week included Bounce House, Water Play and a Fiesta with a pinata. Lots of fun stuff! Grandma C is staying with us this weekend so we'll have more fun to share.

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