Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eli's Monster Jam 3.0

Today was toddler madness - Eli's Monster Jam party to celebrate his 3rd birthday. My oh my, it was SO much fun and totally worth all the sleep I lost this week worrying / trying to get things ready. What started as a simple idea because of Eli's love of Monster Trucks turned into such a fun party.

The main idea of the party was that the kids would decorate boxes designed to be their own monster truck and we'd have a toddler Monster Jam in the back yard. They all worked in the pit area (with their moms and dads) to get the boxes decorated. We broke after decorating for lunch - the pit crew had to finish putting wheels and ropes on the trucks. Everyone got something to eat and was fueled up for the big Monster Truck races. The kids were so incredibly cute dressing up in their boxes and lining up for the start. I originally thought we'd have a freestyle and the kids would do tricks but it worked out better to do a big race. We had two race Heats. I walked down the yard and then yelled "Ready, Set, Go". It was so darn cute watching all those kids run dressed up in their boxes. It was priceless. I think everyone enjoyed watching them and got a good laugh. I found it humorous watching them walk back down the yard to get ready for Heat 2. Two races was all we got out of them but it was great. After the races, it was time for CAKE!

Ok cupcakes really.......we gathered onto the screen porch and Eli was standing in front of the cupcake table with everyone ready to sing and announced to me, in front of everyone, that he had pooped in his pants. Priceless, right?! We went ahead with the singing and let the cupcake distribution begin while Eli got cleaned up. He didn't want to miss a single second of his party so going to the bathroom was not high on his list of things to remember. (I know he will hate me one day for posting that but it was one of those moments you will never forget.) We also had some monster truck and tire cookies - the cookies were so cool that they deserve their own post - I'll have to work on that! The kids enjoyed playing outside more and then we rounded everyone up to cool off inside and watch Eli open his gifts. And my oh my, did he get lots of gifts. We have such generous friends and family. Eli had fun opening all his gifts and I think the kids enjoyed watching him - of course, they all wanted to help too! Eli said goodbye to all of his friends and sweetly thanked them for coming to his party.

After everyone left, we spent time with our families. Both sets of Grandparents stayed for a while so that was great. Cole took a monster nap - over 3 hours! - and Eli enjoyed the undivided attention he got from everyone. He showed them his bike and how to ride it. Also lots of swinging and Eli gave us a Monster Jam Freestyle show with the truck boxes that were left. I finally got Eli down for a nap about 3pm and I actually took a little snooze with him. =)

It was a wonderful day and I think Eli & his friends had a great time. I was very happy with how it all turned out. Some times I wonder if I'm the kid here!! Now I get to take a little break from all the party planning and relax a bit. I'm sure I will find something else to plan soon but I'm going to try not to!
The kids in the Pit Area ready to decorate their monster trucks.
Decorating in progress.
the Pit Area
Eli & Matthew checking out a party crasher - they named him 'Thomas the Turtle'
Cole had fun playing with the big kids.
Party set up
Cole driving Grave Digger. This cut out was awesome - I got a picture of each child at the party.
The parking lot - trucks ready to go while the kids ate lunch.
Lunch - the kids were well behaved.
Grace and Matthew - making their way to the start line. Isn't Grace such a cutie?
Ryan, Carl & Owen heading to the start line.
Getting ready for Heat 1 of the monster truck races.
and they're off!!!
Heading back for Heat 2.
Evan & Eli decided it was faster to run without their Monster trucks on.
Can I have a cupcake pleeeaassseeee....
Holding his "3" cupcake while his friends sang Happy Birthday to him.
Cole loves a good cupcake too!
Present time
was insane. Eli got SO many amazingly generous gifts. I think I'm going to tell Santa to pass our house this year. =)
Owen gave Eli two great books and they totally stopped the present opening. Eli had to look at each book page by page. It was so cute. He was happy in the moment with those two books and didn't care that there were other presents to open.
Cole & Mommy
After all the chaos, the swing was still a major attraction. Eli, Ryan & Grace swinging.
After everyone left, Eli put his truck back on and treated us to some Freestyle.
C-R-A-S-H. (Eli might be a stunt man one day!)
A different truck, more crashing.
It's madness!!
Celebrating 3 years!
We were so glad that Grandma & Grandpa N came to the party. They made a day trip - wow!
Eli got two great boxes of books from his cousins in Florida. We looked at every book and are looking forward to reading them all.
Boxes are always fun - can be made into monster trucks or a place to relax and read.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun day! You are so creative! I love the decorate your own truck idea. Hope he had a great birthday!
