Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nursery for 2.0

Let me explain the "2.0" comment. As most of you know, Eli's first nickname was "Bubba Jim". Since we found out that we were having another baby, we've joked about another Bubba Jim or Bubbet Jim. Now that we know it's a boy, we call him Bubba Jim 2.0. And then we shortened it to just 2.0. So Eli is 1.0 and his brother is 2.0, the sequel.

Anyway, I've struggled with whether or not to change the nursery so that 2.0 has a different room. I've battled with logic, reason and just how I feel. Logic and reason tell me that it's another boy, he won't know the difference, we'd just be spending money so leave it the same. My feelings tell me that he will already get all his stuff as Eli's hand me downs so I want him to have something new of his own. So of course, my feelings won out and I ordered some adorable bedding from Target. And it just so happens to kinda fit with the safari theme of the cross stitch I started. Here it is:

Monkeys, elephants, lions...oh my

Isn't it the cutest?!

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