Sunday, February 1, 2009

How much can you cram into two days?

Apparently a lot....I'll try to break it into parts and pieces.

Grandpa & Grandma C visit:
Saturday morning Grandpa & Grandma C came up to visit for a while. I think they wanted to lay eyes on Eli and make sure he's doing ok after being sick. It was great to see them and they enjoyed spending about five hours with Eli. It gave Tim & I time to do some house chores and measure our rooms to price out carpet. Other than that, we just hung out with them and observed play time (aka - relaxing on the couch!!).

Eli stole Grandpa's toast off his plate and ate the whole thing. He thought he was so funny.
Playing shapes with Grandma while Grandpa draws a picture.

Grandpa's little guy =)

House update:
One of the guys worked on our house project on Saturday. He pretty much finished up the siding on the gable end of the house. Tomorrow he'll start on the back of the house and then move to the front. The inside is framed up, just waiting for the reordered windows to arrive on Thursday. The electrician was here Friday and got all the outlets and switches installed as well as our can lights. This week should be new roof, finish siding, install HVAC unit, finish electrical, framing inspection and start insulation / sheetrock. These guys are moving fast!

Siding in progress
Dinner and Hockey game:
Saturday evening we went out to dinner at Brio with our friends Carol and Kevin. Ms. Katie watched Ryan and Eli at our house so we could have a grown up night out. It was so nice! Dinner was fantastic and after, we all had tickets to the hockey game. Carol & Kevin were seated almost directly across the ice from us so it was fun to wave to them throughout the game. I was fortunately given second row tickets from a sub of mine at work. Tim & I had been in the box seats before but never this close. It was so much fun! We enjoyed the game much more down there. There were a few bumps into the glass where we were and also one flying hockey puck that made me jump. Meanwhile, back at home, seems like the boys did pretty well and didn't even really care that we were gone. They love playing together and they love Ms. Katie so it works perfectly!

Took this with my phone at the game

Back at home, the boys were having a blast.
Tricycle practice:
This morning Tim brought out Eli's tricycle and Eli practiced riding it. He can climb on by himself and has learned how to ring the bell. He can touch the pedals at top position and knows what to do. He just needs another inch or so and he'll be off and riding.

I'll be cruising before too long
Later this morning, we went on a family hike at Umstead. Just as last time, we let Eli walk for a while to start and then put him in the backpack hiker on Tim's back. He had fun touching trees, picking up rocks and sticks (and trying to pick up the occasional root!) and just being outside.


Hiking with Mommy

Pooped out midway through the hike - he was even snoring!
A new project:
So if you remember, I did an Under the Sea birth record cross stitch for Eli. I did most of it while pregnant and then just filled in his birth date when he was born. I have been looking for one to do for Baby 2 and today picked up this 'Wild Thing' safari one. I couldn't wait and already started it while Eli was napping this afternoon. This one is a little more complex than the other one so it'll take me a while - it's a good thing I'm starting early this time!
Another hobby:
And because I have absolutely nothing to do (yeah right!), I decided that I needed to pick up another hobby (scrapbooking, cross stitch, reading, exercising and family just weren't enough). I have been wanting to learn how to knit. My neighbor Breda is an expert knitter and taught classes for several years and she agreed to teach me. I had been trying with books and you tube videos but it wasn't clicking. I had my first lesson yesterday and learned how to do long-tail cast on and then the knit and purl stitches. I did a small swatch at her house yesterday and then tore it out to practice casting on again before I left. Below is the picture of what I started after I got home and then worked on some today. Now I'll take this back to her and we'll measure my gauge to determine if I'm a tight or loose knitter and then she'll help me on reading patterns and more lessons. Now why did I feel the urge to knit? I've read so much about it lately and, once I mentioned it to some of my friends, I realized how many of them knit. I really wanted to do something different for Baby 2. Everyone says that the second child doesn't get the same treatment as the first - and I know that's true. But I want to do some special projects for him and also some for Eli and who knows, if I get good at it maybe a few Christmas gifts.
My little knitting so far - I think it looks good for a newbie!

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