Monday, September 24, 2012

Grandma, Grandpa and Penguins.....oh my

This past weekend, we snuck out of town to see Grandma & Grandpa N. We also timed our visit to see the penguins at the aquarium before they left. We had originally planned to leave Friday night but I had a lot of work to do so we left early Saturday morning. The boys were great on the ride down and were super excited to see Grandma & Grandpa - definitely visible by their energy when we got out of the truck! We had lunch and played around with Eli & Cole driving us crazy before we took them to the park. They had a lot of fun playing on the structures and seeing what new stuff their bodies could do. 

Sunday morning, Grandma went with us to the aquarium. I was super excited to see the penguins. There were four adorable penguins - their names were Suki (8 years old), South (3 years old), Oswald (3-1/2 years old) and Sly (8 years old). They were so cute to watch! The boys, however, were MUCH more interested in the big shark. Usually we watch the otters a bit but nope, this time was all about the big tank and the big shark. It is always fun to visit the aquarium! 

We hung out a bit more with Grandma and Grandpa and then headed home. It was a quick trip but we crammed a lot of Grandparent love in there! 

Someone lost a top tooth on Thursday! 
And it's loose - funny how it moves around in the open space. 
We actually let the boys watch a movie this time - it's been several trips since they watched one.
And even though Cole is showing pouty lip, they were both quite happy (and quiet!) watching a movie.
At the playground, Eli had fun on the monkey bars. 
Cole climbed on everything
Up the rock climbing wall - too easy!
Cole is much better on the structures than he was last time. I remember when Eli climbed on this the first time, now it's Cole!
My sweet boys
On top of the world
Eli decided to find alternate ways to play on the monkey bars.
My little monkey was hanging upside down
and then figured out how to climb on top!
Cole swinging with Mommy
Cole's rock climbing attempt
He did awesome and with very little help, made it all the way up!
But then he was so tired, he tried to take a nap on Grandma's swing
a pillow was necessary for true resting.
We stopped at the store for some coloring supplies and it was a GREAT thing. Eli had fun coloring and it calmed them both down. 
Sunday morning - time for breakfast!
Eli the mover
They moved boards from Grandpa's pile into the trailer.
It won't be long before Cole is ready to drive Grandpa's tractor!
Eaten by a shark!
Gotta get some froggy love
A very cool metal fish sculpture
Penguin feeding time
Aren't they so cute?!
I was surprised at how little they were. 
They are beautiful creatures.
All four of them. 
Cole - the Alligator hunter
Looking at Skates and Stingrays
We couldn't get the boys to actually touch them.
Super excited to see a Green Moray Eel!
Looking for the shark
There he is, Bruce the shark!
Look Mommy!!
Daddy & Cole
Posing with the big monster penguin in the gift shop. Eli got a stuff penguin with a huge twisty lollipop
while Cole would not leave without Scuba Steve. Could not talk him into a penguin for anything! He had fun making Scuba Steve swim next to the real scuba divers.
I so love my boys!
Neat penguin sand sculpture
I can't even build a simple sandcastle!
Best family photo we could get. Eli's face cracks me up!
And again here, Eli is a super ham. And Cole is looking at him like he is crazy!

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