Friday, September 12, 2008

The fastest restaurant exit......ever

Remember before you had kids, you'd be out in a restaurant and see some family with a kid. That kid would make a mess, make a lot of noise, or just something. You'd feel sorry for those people. Well, tonight we were "those people".

We decided to go to Wildflour since we haven't been out to eat in ages. Eli seemed fine. He sat in his seat, ate some goldfish and tried to grab the salt / pepper and anything else off the table. Tim & I managed to eat our salads and start on dinner. And then it happened. Eli threw up like he has never thrown up before. It was projectile vomitting and it was a lot. Must have been a solid 20 seconds worth. All over me, all over his chair, just everywhere. I grabbed Eli and his things and headed for the door. Tim took care of things at the table (trying to clean up, getting the rest of our things, paying for dinner) and then met me at the truck. I can not even begin to describe how gross I smelled. I stripped Eli down to his diaper for the ride home but it wouldn't have really been appropriate for me to do the same.

His school told me when I got there to pick him up today that he'd had 2 bad diapers and they tried to call me to send him home (it was only about a 1/2 hour before I got there so we were ok). Looks like the diarrhea tummy bug has reared its' ugly head again in our house - this time affecting both ends. Eli & I just snuggled (post-shower / bath) and listened to soft music until he fell asleep. And now, we wait. We're hoping he sleeps well but have no idea what to expect. If you didn't know all this, you'd never know he was sick. He's still smiling, happy and silly as ever.

Each day as a parent brings some new experience. I could have waited for this one though!


  1. OH MY GOSH.... that is CRAZY!! I'm so sorry. Good luck!

  2. Ouch! That doesn't sound like fun! It sure does seem like the bugs are going around. We are finally feeling better after two weeks of passing it back and forth.

    Hope you all are feeling better!
