Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mr. Social

We've had a busy few days keeping up with Eli, Mr. Social. Thursday afternoon his friend Ryan (and Ryan's mom Carol) came to visit after school. They were laughing and playing - totally forgetting that they'd been together all day at school. We had dinner with Carol & Ryan before heading out on a walk with them and Kara and Owen. We're so lucky (ok, I'M so lucky) that we all live so close together. The boys seemed to enjoy the walk - we managed to fit in 2 miles!

Friday night Owen came over with his parents to play for a bit and hang out. It was great! Both Eli & Owen were tired when their play session was over and slept like champs.

Yesterday was another busy day. Eli & I did a 3 mile run/walk first thing before all of us went out to run errands. Lunch, a nap and then it was off to another birthday party (August will always be party month for us!). This time it was Eli's friend Will. His birthday is this Friday and his parents had his party yesterday. It was a great cookout with lots of babies and friends. Eli walked all over the place playing with whatever he could find. Will seemed to have a good time eating, playing, opening presents and just being the center of attention.

We were a little worried about Eli yesterday. He started coughing....pretty bad. It was a dry harsh cough. We were concerned that it might be the start of croup. We got some Children's Tylenol Cough & Cold and prepared ourselves for a long night. Eli didn't eat much yesterday so that added to the cause for concern. Fortunately, he barely coughed all night - thanks to Tylenol and the humidifier. This morning he woke up happy as could be and has been eating fairly well. Whew...hopefully dodged that one.

This morning, I went for a road bike ride while Tim & Eli hung out. Once I got home, Eli & I did the grocery shopping while Tim did a road bike ride. It was great!! My ride (selfish here) was much better than I had hoped for and I felt great. I'm not near as fast as I used to be but it was good to be out there. Now Eli is taking a nap and we'll hit the floor playing again as soon as he wakes up.

We hope that everyone else has had a good weekend too! I've got one more week of work and then a little staycation for Mommy. Woo hooo!! Some pictures to enjoy...

Eli & Ryan in the ball pit

Mr. Big Boy - check out the cute shoes

Birthday Boy Will

Wrestling with Ryan...again!!

Our family - we don't get family pics too often!

So cute, checking the mail from the cozy coupe

Eli fell asleep eating lunch today in the high chair

1 comment:

  1. Maya has that same mailbox! Funny story about that mailbox. My sister gave it to us as a hand me down and we put it in the car to take home. We were in Nashville, TN and had a 9 hour drive. That mailbox made it's little (and eventually annoying) sound every time we hit a bump...which was about every 15 minutes. I'm still not sure why we just didn't throw it out the window.
