Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sleeping like a baby?

I think the old phrase "Sleeping like a baby" is all wrong. If we slept like babies, we'd nap for an hour here, maybe 10 minutes there and toss / turn a lot during the night. Yes babies look completely adorable when they're peacefully sleeping for however many minutes they're asleep but I imagine if we could look at ourselves sleeping, we'd look peaceful too. Well, last night Eli finally did not "sleep like a baby". He slept like us and made it ALL NIGHT LONG without waking up. Tim & I are completely happy and refreshed today - feels like a million bucks. Eli seems to be feeling better and the medications are doing their thing. The sleep may have been just one night but it does give hope that if he can do it once, he can do it again. We're crossing our fingers!!


  1. Sleep is for wimps. At least that appears to be what Stella Dot thinks these days.....

  2. I've never thought of sleeping like a baby that way. But come to think of it you are right. Right now im surrounded by like 20ish babies and most are not sleeping. And my 7 are sleeping for like 20 min then waking up screaming. Whoever made up that saying had obviously not been around a baby for more than an hr or 2 :-)
