Sunday, April 6, 2008

Eli's Helmet Eve

Today was our last full day of no-helmet. We go to UNC tomorrow to finish the fitting for Eli's helmet and he'll start his 4 month journey to a more rounded head. We had a decent weekend - nothing too exciting. Took Eli to the bike shop and New Balance store yesterday - Tim & I both got new shoes. Last night I volunteered for the Umstead 100 - this was my 8th year in a row. I ran the 50-mile version one year and then decided that volunteering was much more fun! Tim & Eli had some quality time while I was out there. Today we just puttered around the house. Eli's tummy hasn't seemed right. He isn't eating as much as usual and is sleeping very well. I worry that he's got a bug. Today he drank about half as much formula as normal and didn't seem to eat as much food either. I think he's losing interest in the bottle which means we'd better get the sippy cup training down pat!! We also went on a family walk (with a few minor jogging moments) to try out our new shoes.

Tonight when I was putting Eli to bed, I had a moment thinking about this helmet journey. I was snuggled with him and didn't want to put him to bed. I love being able to hug him and kiss his little head - the helmet will make that more difficult. We'll also have to be very careful with the head butts!! I know in my heart that it's what we need to do but I'm a little sad. He'll have to wear the helmet 23 hours a day so you can best bet that I'll be getting my snuggles and head kisses in during that one no-helmet hour. We'll be sure to post pictures tomorrow evening. Wish us luck!

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