Monday, July 23, 2007

And then there was one....

A few months ago, I started taking Prenatal Yoga classes. There were five girls in my class, including me. Now, I'm the only pregnant one left - the other four have left their pregnancy behind to become Mommies. I found out the 4th one had her little girl on my birthday - how fun is that?!

Here's the tally: 3 girls and 1 boy so far. With Eli, that makes 3 girls and 2 boys. 2 c-sections, 1 forcep delivery and 1 natural. Not sure what else is left for me to claim - delivery in the car?!

Congratulations to all my yoga girls. I am so happy as each one has been blessed with a beautiful healthy child. I'm right around the corner to joining you all in Mommy-hood.


  1. It's wonderful...but, it really is true. Get your sleep. I know you think you can't be more tired than you are now with your big belly, achy hips, and all, but YOU CAN BE MORE TIRED.

    My other piece of advice. Enjoy one another's company now. You just won't have as much time to be together as a couple as you do now.

    Finally, it is a wonderful thing, being alone at 3 am cradling your snuggly little sweet-smelling cooing baby. I can't wait for you to experience it. It is like nothing you've ever felt before.

    All best,
    Amy (from Yoga)

  2. Pretty soon we can all do postpartum yoga together with our babies! You are on the home stretch now Evia. Make sure to catch up on movies and books now b/c you're bundle of joy will take center stage very soon!
    -Tia (from yoga)
